Levels of Membership

We believe in being adaptable. With this in mind, we offer various levels of membership within IMPACT. You can choose the level that makes the most sense for your organization, agency, or entity. All membership is open to any agency, organization, or entity that intersects with reducing domestic/sexual violence in Alberta.

There are four types of membership with varying levels of involvement:


Associate Membership is open to any agency, organization, or entity that intersects with reducing domestic/sexual violence in Alberta.

Associate Members, support IMPACT through:

Some of the opportunities available through Associate Membership include:


Affiliate Membership is available for organizations or entities who are associated with local and provincial domestic or sexual violence networks in Alberta who have membership in IMPACT. By completing the Affiliate Membership application, you are agreeing to your entity supporting IMPACT through:

In addition to the same benefits as Associate Membership, some of the opportunities available through Affiliate Membership include:


General Membership is open to any Alberta focused entity, that intersects with reducing domestic/sexual violence. General Members support IMPACT through:

In addition to the same benefits as Associate Membership, some of the opportunities available through General Membership include:


Mobilizing Membership is open to entities whose senior leaders are influencers in Domestic/Sexual Violence work in Alberta. Mobilizing Members support IMPACT through:

In addition to the same benefits as Associate/General Membership, some of the opportunities available through Mobilizing Membership include:

Sign up for membership